30 Plastic Smart Materials & PBR Textures - VOL 10
30 High-Quality and Procedural Plastic Smart Materials
This product comprises 30 Plastic Smart Materials designed for use in Substance Painter, accompanied by 4K PBR textures. The PBR Textures are versatile and compatible with any program employing the PBR workflow, making it a valuable addition to your creative toolkit. Incorporating this collection into your library will elevate the realism of your projects.
Upon Purchasing this Product, You Will Receive:
- 30 High-quality Plastic Smart Materials (SPSM)
- 30 4K Plastic PBR Texture Sets
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Free Section: Explore the complimentary section featuring two Smart Materials at no extra cost!
Attention: Models showcased on the cover are for illustrative purposes only and are not included in the product.
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Note: This material is a collaborative creation by Mirage3Dart and Milad-Kambari. Check out their portfolios on Artstation via the following links:
Mirage3Dart's Artstation Portfolio Milad-Kambari's Artstation Portfolio